Listed are the cream of the crop of HTML5 / JavaScript game engines - frameworks that are respected and maintained. Click "More Details" for a full description, reviews, important links, and sample games.

Name Cost Popularity Rating Tags Last Release Details
GDevelop 0free (MIT) 105
45 2d, sounds, collisions, physics, free, facebook, gdevelop, pixi, gui, fast, 1522796187Apr 3rd 2018 More Details
Construct 2 0.1varies 100
40 game-maker, free, 2d, 3d, webgl, sounds, collisions, physics, 1408449600Aug 19th 2014 More Details
BabylonJS 0free 100
50 webgl, 3d, sounds, collisions, physics, debug, 1527517336May 28th 2018 More Details
ImpactJS Engine 0free 85
35 2d, sounds, collisions, physics, debug, map-editor, 1406548800Jul 28th 2014 More Details
EaselJS 0free (MIT) 64
45 flash-like, 2d, sounds, free, 1513951479Dec 22nd 2017 More Details
Phaser 0free (MIT) 64
45 flash-like, 2d, sounds, collisions, physics, typescript, webgl, free, 1522796187Apr 3rd 2018 More Details
GameMaker $200 54
40 game-maker, 2d, sounds, collisions, physics, debug, map-editor, 1407499200Aug 8th 2014 More Details
PlayCanvas 0free 52
45 3d, cloud-based, free, webgl, sounds, 1522812346Apr 3rd 2018 More Details
Turbulenz 0free (MIT) 48
35 2d, 3d, webgl, sounds, collisions, physics, debug, networking, 1450832952Dec 22nd 2015 More Details
lycheeJS 0free (MIT) 45
45 2d, sounds, debug, ui, networking, 1522517987Mar 31st 2018 More Details
melonJS 0free (MIT) 43
45 2d, sounds, collisions, physics, free, map-editor, 1517063546Jan 27th 2018 More Details
Quintus 0free (MIT) 41
40 jquery-like, 2d, sounds, free, 1454439250Feb 2nd 2016 More Details
Crafty 0free (MIT) 39
45 free, 2d, sounds, collisions, 1518890380Feb 17th 2018 More Details
enchant.js 0free (MIT) 36
35 2d, sounds, collisions, physics, webgl, free, 1451908327Jan 4th 2016 More Details
LimeJS 0free (Apache) 36
40 2d, sounds, physics, free, 1433177258Jun 1st 2015 More Details
Panda.js 0free (MIT) 31
35 free, 2d, webgl, mobile, physics, sounds, modular, 1521139070Mar 15th 2018 More Details
GC DevKit 0free (Mozilla) 29
35 2d, mobile-first, sounds, collisions, physics, debug, 1458840624Mar 24th 2016 More Details
FrozenJS 0free (MIT) 29
40 2d, free, sounds, collisions, physics, 1379150294Sep 14th 2013 More Details
voxel.js 0free (BSD) 28
40 webgl, 3d, voxel, sounds, physics, networking, 1444009007Oct 4th 2015 More Details
PlayCanvas 0free 0
35 3d, cloud-based, free, webgl, sounds, 0unknown More Details